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OLD ICS LIBRARY : ICS Newsletters, Cello Listings, Theses, Interviews, Articles, Master Classes, Membership Spotlights, Reviews, Miscellaneous
"Celloman": Video Review Irene Sharp: Irene Sharp reviews the Eugene Friesen's video, "Celloman."
"Viva Vibrato" -- Review Irene Sharp: Irene Sharp reviews "Viva Vibrato," a method book for teaching vibrato.
1998 New Directions Cello Fest Chase Morrison: Chase Morrison describes his experience at the 1998 New Directions Cello Association Festival.
1998 RNCM Cello Festival Tim Janof: Tim Janof describes his experience at the 1998 RNCM Cello Festival.
2001 RNCM Cello Festival Tim Janof: Tim Janof describes his experience at the 2001 RNCM Cello Festival in Manchester, England
2003 Congress Notes Tim Janof: Tim Janof shares his notes from the 2003 National Cello Congress in Tempe, Arizona.
2003 National Cello Congress Tim Janof: Tim Janof describes his experience at the 2003 National Cello Congress in Tempe, Arizona.
A Book and a Cello Margaret Bartley: Author Margaret Bartley describes her discovery of Piatigorsky.
A New Film about du Pre Christopher Nupen: Christopher Nupen discusses his film on Jacqueline du Pre.
Aaron Minsky Aaron Minsky: Aaron Minsky discusses his cello etudes.
Alban Gerhardt Interview Tim Janof: Alban Gerhardt discusses his musical upbringing and his technical and musical ideas.
Aldo Parisot -- Interview Tim Janof: Read about Aldo Parisot's musical upbringing and his thoughts on music and technique.
Alisa Weilerstein Interview David Abrams: Paul Katz Yo-Yo Ma Zara Nelsova Krosnick Ying du Pre Dvorak
American Interweave: CD Review Bob Edgerton: Bob Edgerton reviews Rajan Krishnaswami's CD.
Amit Peled Interview David Abrams: Amit Peled discusses his musical upbringing, his career, thoughts on technique and music.
An American in Istanbul Edward J. Hines: Edward Hines discusses Turkish cello music.
Anner Bylsma -- Interview Tim Janof: Bylsma's views on Bach and a little Brahms
Anner Bylsma performs Bach Tim Janof: A review of Anner Bylsma's performanc of Bach.
Antonio Janigro Damir Janigro: Damir Janigro shares some stories about his father, Antonio.
Apocalyptica -- Interview Michele Klau: Interview with Apocalyptica, pop cello group
Argentina Cello Scene Ignacio Berghelli: Ignacio Berghelli describes the cello scene in Argentina.
Arnie Williams -- Member Arnie Williams : ICS member Arnie Williams discusses his musical life.
Arto Noras -- Interview Tim Janof: Arto Noras discusses his musical upbringing, Paul Tortelier, and his views on Bach.
Ask BettyLou #1 BettyLou: Humorous Cello Advice Column
Ask BettyLou #2 BettyLou: BettyLou gives tongue-in-cheek advice to cellists.
Ask BettyLou #3 BettyLou Stevens: BettyLou offers advice to cellists.
Ask BettyLou #4 BettyLou Stevens: Humorous Cello Advice Column
Ask BettyLou #5 BettyLou Stevens: BettyLou Stevens gives humorous advice to cellists' questions.
ASTA Conference 2003 Bret Smith: Dr. Bret Smith describes the ASTA Conference.
Bach Suite and You Robert Battey: Robert Battey discusses his ideas on the manuscripts and various approaches to Bach.
Bach Suite Editions Tim Janof: Tim Janof discusses well-known Bach Suite editions.
Bach to Brazil Cellobration David Abrams: David Abrams reviews One World Symphony's concert that featured cello music.
Bach to Nature for Yo-Yo Ma Christopher Hume: Music Garden in Toronto championed by Yo-Yo Ma.
BACH.Bogen Presentation Michael Bach: Discussion of the BACH.Bogen curved bow.
Bambach Saddle Seat: Review Victor Sazer: Victor Sazer reviews the Bambach Saddle Seat
Baroque Dance and Bach Tim Janof: Tim Janof discusses the Bach Cello Suites and their relationship to Baroque Dance.
Becky Myers Becky Myers: Membership Spotlight -- Becky Myers
Beethoven A Major Sonata Charlotte Lehnhoff: Beethoven A Major Sonata -- A Closer Look
Beethoven D Major Last Mov't Benjamin Myers, DMA: Benjamin Myers provides an analysis of the last movement of the Beethoven D Major Sonata.
Beethoven Quartet Etudes Tim Janof: Tim Janof discusses etudes based on the Beethoven String Quartets.
Bernard Greenhouse - Interview Tim Janof: Read about Bernard Greenhouse's musical upbringing and his thoughts on technique and music.
Betsy Clark Betsy Clark: Membership Spotlight -- Betsy Clark
BettyLou Stevens Profile BettyLou Stevens: BettyLou discusses her musical upbringing.
Beverly Gray Beverly Gray: Membership Spotlight -- Beverly Gray
Bion Tsang -- Interview Tim Janof: Bion Tsang discusses his musical upbringing and his views on music.
Bjorn Stenvaag Bjorn Stenvaag: Membership Spotlight -- Bjorn Stenvaag
Bobbie Mayer Bobbie Mayer: Membership Spotlight -- Bobbie Mayer
Bonnie Hampton -- Interview Tim Janof: Bonnie Hampton discusses her musical upbringing and her ideas on music and careers.
Bowed Arts: Greenhouse Robert Battey: Robert Battey reviews the book, "Bowed Arts -- Reflections of Bernard Greenhouse."
Brahms Summer Vacation James Nicholas: James Nicholas discusses the history of the Brahms F Major Sonata, as well as providing an in-depth analysis.
Brap Tim Finholt: Goofy cellist
Building your own cello stand. Chrissy Kempe: Build your own cello stand from scatch.
Caramia Finds Stolen Cello Caramia: Caramia helps recover a stolen cello
Carl Sandburg, the Praire ... Barbara Hedlund: "The Song and the Slogan" features a new 33 minute chamber work for tenor, piano, cello, and small ensemble.
Carter Brey -- Interview Tim Janof: Read about Carter Brey's musical upbringing and his musical ideas.
Cassado Nathaniel Chaitkin: Read about Cassado and his relationship with Casals.
Cellaire Travel Case Barbara Hedlund: Barbara Hedlund reviews the Cellaire Travel Case.
Cello Books Tim Janof: A list of books about the cello.
Cello Chat Analysis Thresa Swadley: Thesis on Cello Chat
Cello Classics Selma Gokcen: Interview with Sebastian Comberti of Cello Classics
Cello Movies Tim Janof: List of movies with cellos or cello music.
Cello Technique Made Simple Tim Janof: Tim Janof discusses some fundamental principles in cello technique.
Cello Tipbook Hugo Pinksterboer:
Cellobrations : New cello ensemble music now available for four cellos.
CelloTutor Jay Culley: A note learning program for cello students.
Chinese Cello and Double Bass Brandon Voo: Chinese version of the cello and double bass.
Chinese Orchestral Cellist Brandon Voo: Brandon Voo discusses the challenges of being a classical musician in China.
Christopher Haritatos Arnie Williams: Christopher Haritatos discusses his musical upbringing and his thoughts on music and technique, and on baroque instruments.
Circe Diaz Circe Diaz: Membership Spotlight -- Circe Diaz
Colin Carr Interview Tim Janof: Colin Carr discusses his musical upbringing and his thoughts on technique and music.
Cordelia Wikarski-Miedel Tim Janof:
Corrina Connor Corrina Connor: Membership Spotlight -- Corrina Connor
Costa Rica and Chile Nicholas Anderson: Nicholas Anderson describes the cello scenes in Costa Rica and Chile.
Dave Thomas Dave Thomas: Membership Spotlight -- Dave Thomas
David Baxter David Baxter: Membership Spotlight -- David Baxter
David Finckel - Interview Tim Janof:
David Tonkonogui -- Interview Tim Janof: David Tonkonogui, cellist in the Seattle Symphony, discusses his musical upbringing in Russia, Rostropovich, and orchestral playing.
Dimitry Markevitch - Interview Tim Janof: Read about Dimitry Markevitch's musical upbringing and his thoughts on music, especially Bach.
E-Cello Works Jeffrey S. Krieger: Jeffrey Krieger describes seven works for e-cello.
Eleonore Schoenfeld -- Intervi Tim Janof: Read about Eleonore Schoenfeld's musical upbringing and her technical and musical ideas.
Ellen Gunst of Cellos2Go.com Bobbie Mayer: Bobbie Mayer profiles the founder of Cellos2Go.com.
Emanuel Feuermann Robert Battey: Robert Battey pays tribute to Emanuel Feuermann
Emanuel Feuermann Biography Annette Morreau: Annette Morreau discusses writing her biography of Emanuel Feuermann
Emanuel Feuermann Thesis Brinton Smith: Read about Emanuel Feuermann
Engineer's View on the Bow Roland Siemons: Roland Siemons, an mechanical engineer, discusses the physics of the bow.
Etudes in America Dr. Ozan Tunca: Dr. Ozan Tunca discusses etudes commonly used in the United States.
Eugene Friesen Concert Review Mike Ingalls: Eugene Friesen Concert Review
Eva Czako -- Musical Tribute James Nicholas: James Nicholas describes his process in writing a solo sonata that is inspired by Eva Czako.
Eva Heinitz -- Interview Tim Janof: Eva Heinitz discusses her musical upbring, her encounters with historic musicians, and her views on Bach.
Eva Heinitz Pet Peeves in Bach Tim Janof: Tim Janof discusses some of Eva Heinitz's ideas on Bach.
Eva Janzer Memorial Center Barbara Hedlund: Barbara Hedlund talks about the Eva Janzer Memorial Cello Center Foundation
Exercises for Beginning String John Michel: Exercises for Beginning String
Flying with the Cello Michael Bersin: Cabin Seat Baggage: Flying with the Cello
Frances Walton -- Interview Tim Janof: Read about amateur cellist Frances Walton's musical upbringing and her thoughts on music.
Frans Helmerson -- Interview Tim Janof:
Free Score, Parts and CD Rick Sowash: composer offers free score & parts
Gabrielli First Ricercar Brian Carter: Domenico Gabrielli (1651-1690) was a member of the group of elite cellists that operated in Bologna, Italy in the seventeenth century. Along with his teachers, Petronio Francheschini and Giovanni Battista Vitali, Gabrielli was one of the pioneers of baroq
Gary Hoffman -- Interview Tim Janof: Read about Gary Hoffman's musical upbringing and his technical and musical ideas.
George Neikrug -- Interview Tim Janof: George Neikrug discusses his musical upbringing and his musical and technical ideas.
Gerhard Mantel -- Interview Tim Janof: Read about Gerhard Mantel's musical upbringing and his technical and musical ideas.
Glenn Garlick -- Interview Tim Janof: Glenn Garlick, assistant principal cellist of the National Symphony, discusses his musical upbringing, Rostropovich, Wendy Warner, and thoughts on orchestral playing.
Gordon Epperson -- Interview Tim Janof: Gordon Epperson discusses his time playing under historic conductors, his thoughts on music and teaching, and Bach.
Greenhouse at 90 Selma Gokcen: Selma Gokcen interviews Greenhouse about the recent master class video, which was produced by Cello Classics. He also discusses the state of cello playing and musicianship in today's world.
Greenhouse Celebration Robert Battey: Robert Battey discusses the Bernard Greenhouse Celebration at the University of North Carolina.
Gregor Piatigorsky Robert Battey: Robert Battey pays tribute to Gregor Piatigorsky.
Guilherme Carvalho Guilherme Carvalho: Membership Spotlight -- Guilherme Carvalho
Guilhermina Suggia Anita Mercier, PhD: Learn about the life of Suggia, a great cellist of the early 20th Century.
HANDBOOK FOR CELLO STUDENTS Phyllis Luckman: Everything cello students should know about theory.
Hans Jorgen Jensen Interview Tim Janof:
Heather Blackburn Heather Blackburn: Membership Spotlight -- Heather Blackburn
Hidden Treasures Joan V. Staples: Luigi Silva's Pedagogical Papers
Holistic Technique Gordon Epperson: Gordon Epperson discusses the emergence of holistic ideas in cello technique.
Inside the 1998 RNCM Cello Fes Natalie Williams: Natalie Williams describes her behind-the-scenes experience at the 1998 RNCM Cello Festival.
Interpretational Angst & Bach Tim Janof: Tim Janof describes some key issues to consider when playing the Bach Solo Cello Suites.
Irene Sharp -- Interview Tim Janof: Irene Sharp discusses her teaching philosophy.
It Says 'Suite' not 'Sweat' James Nicholas: James Nicholas discusses performance practice issues related to the Bach Suites.
James Kocher James Kocher: ICS Member, James Kocher, aka Zen Lunatic, discusses his cello story.
Janet Horvath Chrys Wu: Horvath's book on minimizing pain for musicians is discussed.
Janof Works for Cello Tim Janof: Cello works for cello by Tim Janof
Janos Starker Robert Battey: Robert Battey pays tribute to Janos Starker
Janos Starker -- Interview Tim Janof: Janos Starker discusses his ideas on teaching, music, and performing.
Janos Starker Interview #2 Tim Janof: Janos Starker discusses his past and his thoughts on performing.
Janos Starker Performs Dvorak Tim Janof: Tim Janof reviews a Janos Starker performance of the Dvorak Concerto.
Janos Starker Play in El Paso Tim Janof: Tim Janof describes his time behind the scenes with Janos Starker and Zuill Bailey.
Janos Starker's 75th Birthday Tim Janof: Report on Janos Starker's 75th Birthday celebration.
Jean Cras Cello Music Paul-Andre Bempechat: Cello Music of Rear Admiral Jean Cras, a French Post-Romantic.
Jeffrey Solow -- Interview Tim Janof: Jeffrey Solow discusses his musical upbringing and his thoughts on teaching, technique, and music.
Joel Krosnick Interview Tim Janof: Joel Krosnick discusses his musical upbrings, thoughts on music and technique, contemporary music, and playing in a professional quartet.
John Koenig John Koenig: John Koenig discusses his amazing musical upbringing.
Jose Sponberg Jose Sponberg: Membership Spotlight -- Jose Sponberg
Julian Lloyd Webber Interview Tim Janof: Julian Lloyd Webber discusses his musical upbringing, his brother's music, commissioning works by Rodrigo and Malcolm Arnold, and how the Philip Glass Concerto came about.
Karine Georgian Interview Tim Janof: Karine Georgian discusses her musical upbringing, the Tchaikovsky Competition, and her musical and technical ideas.
Keith Hall Keith Hall: Membership Spotlight --- Keith Hall
Keith Harvey Interview Selma Gokcen: Cellist and collector discusses his musical upbringing and his collection of recordings.
Laszlo Varga Interview Tim Janof: Laszlo Varga discusses his musical upbringing and his experiences as a chamber musician, principal cellist of the New York Philharmonic, and teacher.
Laurence Lesser -- Interview Tim Janof:
LAVS Concert Review Chrys Wu: Chrys Wu reviews a recital for the Los Angeles Violoncello Society.
Leonard Rose -- Appreciation Robert Battey: Robert Battey discusses Leonard Rose's recordings.
Leonard Rose Remembered Tim Janof: Leonard Rose biography
Lo que queda Jack Riemer. Houston Chronicle: About an I. Perlman concert
Luigi Boccherini Dimitry Markevitch: Dimitry Markevitch discusses the cello works of Boccherini
Lynn Harrell -- Interview Tim Janof:
Lynn Harrell in El Paso Tim Janof: Tim Janof describes the behind the scenes events leading up to a concert with Lynn Harrell, Zuill Bailey, and Shauna Rolston.
Margaret Rowell -- Profile Irene Sharp: Irene Sharp discusses the teaching philosophy of the great pedagogue, Margaret Rowell.
Margriet Tindemans -- Intervie Tim Janof: Gambist Margriet Tindemans discusses the viola da gamba, Authenticity, and Bach.
Maria Kliegel -- Interview Tim Janof: Read about Maria Kliegel's musical upbringing and her technical and musical ideas.
Marie-Elisabeth Hecker David Abrams: Marie-Elisabeth Hecker discusses her musical upbringing and thoughts on music and technique.
Mark Summer -- Interview : Mark Summer, cellist in the Turtle Island String Quartet discusses the art of improvisation.
Marston Smith Interview Tim Janof: Marston Smith discusses his musical upbringing and his thoughts on performing as a non-classical cellist.
Mary Klein Mary Klein: Membership Spotlight -- Mary Klein
Matt Haimovitz Interview Tim Janof: Matt Haimovitz discusses his musical upbringing, his record label Oxingale Records, his Bach Listening Room Tour, and his Anthem Tour.
Medical and Scientific Cello Marc David Horowitz: Cello citations in recent medical and scientific literature.
Medical Problems of Cellists Tim Janof: Tim Janof's notes from a video by Dr. Norris.
Michele Pedlar Member Spot Michele Pedlar: Member Michele Pedlar tells us her cello story and other things about herself.
Minsky's Spiritual Journey Aaron Minsky: Composer and cellist Aaron Minsky describes the spiritual background to his new work.
Mischa Maisky Interview Tim Janof:
Mstislav Rostropovich Interv. Tim Janof: Rostropovich discusses his sound, pieces he played and didn't play, and Prokofiev and Shostakovich
MY BIG DAY Andrew:
Natalia Gutman -- Interview Tim Janof: Read about Natalia Gutman's musical upbringing and her thoughts on music and technique.
Nathaniel Rosen -- Interview Tim Janof: Nathaniel Rosen discusses his musical upbringing and his musical ideas.
Natural Cello Artistry Nicholas Anderson: An experiential article on developing one's natural cello artistry.
New Barenreiter Bach Sarah Freiberg: Sarah Freiberg reviews the new Barenreiter Editon of the Bach Cello Suites
new cello CD available pete hawkes : recent release of original contemporary Australian cello compoistions cd entitled 'melancoly cello'
New Directions Cello Fest 2006 : Terence Guzwa describes his experience at the 2006 New Directions Cello Festival.
Norwegian music for cello NMIC: A list of norwegian music for cello
Ofra Harnoy -- Interview Tim Janof: Ofra Harnoy discusses her musical upbringing and her musical ideas.
Oh, My Aching Back! Victor Sazer: Healthful sitting for cellists and other musicians
Olga Rostropovich Interview Tim Janof: Olga Rostropovich discusses her life as Mstilav's daughter.
Orlando Cole -- Interview Tim janof: Orlando Cole discusses his musical upbringing and his thoughts on teaching, technique, and music.
Pablo Casals Robert Battey: Robert Battey pays tribute to Pablo Casals.
Pablo Casals as Icon Jonathan Kramer: Jonathan Kramer discusses an upcoming presentation with Selma Gokcen about Casals. He describes why Casals is worthy of adulation as a person.
Pamela Frame -- Interview Tim Janof: Pamela Frame discusses her musical upbringing and her ideas on teaching and playing.
Paul Katz Interview Tim Janof: Paul Katz discusses his musical upbringing, intonation, and quartet playing.
Pedagogy of the Right Hand Bret Smith: History of pedagogical ideas on right hand technique.
Pieter Wispelwey Interview Tim Janof: Pieter Wispelwey discusses his musical upbringing and his thoughts on Bach and Schumann
Plant, Page, and Me Paul Critser: Plant, Page, and Me -- A cellist tells how he rocked the civic arena with members of Led Zeppelin
Popper Etude Guide Richard Slavich: Richard Slavich discusses the Popper
Popper Etudes Charlotte Lehnhoff: Charlotte Lehnhoff discusses the Popper Etudes -- their history and structure..
Popper Etudes Analysis Dr. I-Bei Lin:
Practice Log Pages Template Scott Lesser: Practice Log Template for Apple iWork Pages
Prix Feuermann 2002 Nancy Chapple: Nancy Chapple describes her impressions of the 2002 Feuermann Competition
Ralph Kirshbaum -- Interview Tim Janof: Ralph Kirshbaum discusses his musical upbringing and his musical ideas.
Raphael Wallfisch Interview Tim Janof:
Rational Cello Fingerings Dimitry Markevitch: Dimitry Markevitch discusses his ideas on cello fingerings.
Recent Bach Suite Editions Dimitry Markevitch: Dimitry Markevitch reviews the recent Bach Suite Editions.
Repertoire List : Graded List of Cello Works
Revisiting Casals' Recordings Selma Gokcen: Selma Gokcen discusses Casals' recordings.
Robert Cohen -- Interview Tim Janof: Read about Robert Cohen's musical upbringing and his thoughts on music and technique.
Robert LaMarchina Profile Tim Janof: Robert LaMarchina biography
Roberta Rominger Roberta Rominger: Membership Spotlight -- Roberta Rominger
Rogert Elsinger Rogert Elsinger: Membership Spotlight -- Rogert Elsinger
Ron Leonard -- Interview Tim Janof: Ron Leonard discusses his musical upbringing and his thoughts on orchestral playing and auditions.
Rostropovich Interviews David Abrams: Translations of French interviews done with Rostropovich.
Ruthann Sutton Ruthann Sutton: ICS Member Ruthann Sutton discusses her musical life.
Sara Sant'Ambrogio Tim Janof: Sara Sant'Ambrogio discusses her musical upbringing, playing in the Eroica Trio, being in an all-women group, and the challenges of being a classical musician in today's market.
Sarah Schenkman Sarah Schenkman: ICS member Sarah Schenkman describes her musical life.
Schelomo History and Analysis Tracie Price: Tracie Price discusses the history of Schelomo and provides an analysis.
School Demonstrations Carole Gatwood: Ideas on presenting classical music in schools.
Schumann Concerto James Nicholas:
Scottish Fiddle Tunes Chase Morrison: Scottish Fiddle Tunes for Cellists.
Shauna Rolston Interview Tim Janof: Shauna Rolston discusses her musical upbringing and her ideas on teaching.
Siegfried Palm -- Interview Tim Janof: Palm discusses contempory music.
Silent Cello (Yamaha) - Review Marvin Ayres: Marvin Ayres reviews Yamaha's "Silent Cello."
Silva Centennial Celebration Brooks Whitehouse: A 100th birthday year celebration of Luigi Silva and his living legacy.
So You Want To Be A Star Andor Toth: Andor Toth describes his experience as a judge in the Tchaikovsky Competition
Starker Student Reflections John Cloer: John Cloer talks about what it was like studying with Janos Starker.
Stefan Moberg Stefan Moberg: Membership Spotlight -- Stefan Moberg
Stephen Kates -- Interview Tim Janof: Stephen Kates discusses his musical upbringing, the Tchaikovsky Competition, and his thoughts on scales.
Steven Doane -- Interview Tim Janof: Steven Doane discusses his musical upbringing and his ideas on music.
Steven Isserlis -- Interview Tim Janof: Read about Steven Isserlis' musical upbringing and his thoughts on music.
Steven Isserlis Interview #2 Tim Janof: Steven Isserlis discusses his thoughts on technique, practicing, degrees of analysis, and performance goals.
Stretching is the Key Linda Hickey: Linda Hickey discusses the importance of stretching before playing.
Stringteaching.com John Michel and Carrie Rehkopf: Exercises and activities for teaching strings
Summer Music Camps Bobbie Mayer: Descriptions of three summer camps that cellists would enjoy..
Susan Squillace Susan Squillace: Membership Spotlight -- Susan Squillace
Susannah Kelly Susannah Kelly: Membership Spotlight -- Susannah Kelly: Cellistic Meditations.
Tarisio Auctions Naomi Sadler: Naomi Sadler describes the process for purchasing a cello in an auction.
Terry Maurice Terry Maurice: Membership Spotlight -- Terry Maurice
The Breathing Bow for Cellists Ruth Phillips: Ruth Phillips discusses the importance of breathing and describes how she helps people to become re-acquainted with their cellos.
The Genesis of a Duo Hugh Aitken: Hugh Aitken discusses his 'Duo for Cello and Piano.'
The Mastery of Music Barry Green: Barry Green discusses his new book, "The Master of Music."
The Other Great C-Major James Nicholas: James Nicholas discusses Schubert's C Major String Quintet as well as performance practice issues related to playing Schubert.
The Passing of David Blum Tim Janof: Tim Janof says goodbye to David Blum, author of "Casals and the Art of Interpretation."
Thomas Demenga Interview Tim Janof: Thomas Demenga talks about his musical upbringing, recording the Bach Suites, and how being a composer affects his approach to playing other composers' music.
Timothy Eddy -- Interview Tim Janof: Read about Timothy Eddy's musical upbringing and his thoughts on music and technique.
Tipbook Cello Hugo Pinksterboer: The author discusses his book, "Tipbook Cello."
Todd French BettyLou Stevens: Todd French discusses his musical upbringing, StringWorks, ISIS, and his family.
Tom Sisk - Member Spotlight Tom Sisk: ICS member Tom Sisk introduces himself.
Toward the 2005 Kobe Festival Ken Iriuchijima: Ken Iriuchijima describes the cello scene in Japan.
Truls Mork -- Interview Tim Janof: Read about Truls Mork's musical upbringing and his thoughts on music.
Truls Mork plays Prokofiev "The Omnipotent Critic": Truls Mork's Prokofiev CD is reviewed.
TUTTI CELLI Jan/Feb 2001 Tim Janof, editor:
TUTTI CELLI Nov/Dec 2001 Tim Janof, editor: CONVERSATION WITH TIMOTHY EDDY and more!
Valerie Walden: Profile Bobbie Mayer: Bobbie Mayer profiles cello historian Valerie Walden, author of "One Hundred Years of Violoncello"
Vera Gusuva Interview Tim Janof: Vera Gusuva, Daniil Shafran's step-daughter, discusses her father.
Victor Sazer -- Interview Tim Janof: Victor Sazer discusses ideas on how to play without pain.
Violoncello - Word Origin Robert Jesselson: Robert Jesselson discusses the origin of the word "cello."
Well Tempered Cellist 5 Selma Gokcen: One of the more noticeable aspects of the modern cellist's performance is noisy breathing. On records or in the concert hall, sometimes heard as far back as the last row of a modest auditorium, the laboured breath of the cellist engaged in giving his or h
Well-Tempered Cellist Selma Gokcen:
Well-Tempered Cellist 2 Selma Gokcen:
Well-Tempered Cellist 3 Selma Gokcen: Selma Gokcen continues her series of articles on the Alexander Technique.
Well-Tempered Cellist 4 Selma Gokcen: Selma Gockcen discussing what the Alexander Technique reveals about sitting for cellists
Wendy Warner -- Interview Tim Janof: Read about Wendy Warner's musical upbringing and her technical and musical ideas.
William Pleeth Videos Selma Gokcen: Selma Gokcen discusses the videos she produced of a series of William Pleeth's master class.
Works of Lou Harrison "The Omnipotent Critic": A CD of some works of Lou Harrison is reviewed.
World Cello Congress III Tim Janof: World Cello Congress III (2000) report
www.extra.hu/onczaycsaba : homepage
www.MatthewOwens.com Matthew Owens: artist's personal web site
Yoshida Hiromichi Yoshida Hiromichi: Membership Spotlight -- Yoshida Hiromichi
Yosif Feigelson -- Interview Paul Tseng: Yosif Feigelson talks about Russian musicians and Russian music.
Zara Nelsova -- Interview Tim Janof: Read about Zara Nelsova's musical upbringing and her technical and musical ideas.
Zara Nelsova Tribute George Neikrug: George Neikrug pays tribute to Zara Nelsova.
Zuill Bailey Interview Tim Janof: Zuill Bailey talked about his musical and career development.
Zuill Bailey Visits Cuba Tim Janof: Zuill Bailey describes his visit to Cuba.
Zuill Bailey's Russian CD Tim Janof: Tim Janof watches Zuill Bailey record his Russian CD.